Add a collar to my unmade Emperor’s Garment


Add a collar to my unmade Emperor’s garment order

It is very important that you check that the fabric of your collar / frill is still available in our fabric gallery before placing your order. If you can’t see your fabric or it is marked as ‘RESERVED’ then please get in touch before placing your order so that we can check that there will be enough left to make your hood

  • VERY IMPORTANT: The type of garment you choose will dictate which other features you can have so please make sure you select your garment type before you scroll down to select other features (ie when you have selected your garment type the list below will refresh with applicable options)

    VERY IMPORTANT: The type of zip you choose will dictate whether or not you can have a collar or not so please make sure you select your zip type before you scroll down to select other features (ie when you have selected your zip type the list below will refresh with applicable options)

    We're sorry but you cannot have a collar with a side zip fastening on a jumpsuit. If you would like to change your jumpsuit zip fastening in order to be able to add a collar please get in touch with us via DM on instagram or via email to so we can discuss available options with you

    VERY IMPORTANT: The type of neckline you have chosen will dictate which collar styles you can have so please make sure you select your neckline type before you scroll down to select other features (ie when you have selected your neckline type the list below will refresh with applicable options)

    IMPORTANT: Please make sure you have checked if there is enough of your chosen fabric for your collar with our team before placing your order

    IMPORTANT: Please make sure you have checked if there is enough of your chosen fabric for your collar with our team before placing your order

    IMPORTANT: Please make sure you have checked if there is enough of your chosen fabric for your collar with our team before placing your order

    IMPORTANT: Please make sure you have checked if there is enough of your chosen fabric for your collar with our team before placing your order

    IMPORTANT: Please make sure you have checked if there is enough of your chosen fabric for your collar frill with our team before placing your order

    IMPORTANT: Please make sure you have checked if there is enough of your chosen fabric for your collar frill with our team before placing your order

    IMPORTANT: Please make sure you have checked if there is enough of your chosen fabric for your collar frill with our team before placing your order

    Please measure from the centre of your collarbone down your torso to where you'd like the square collar to end. Up to 20cm / 8" maximum length

    Up to 10cm / 4" maximum length

    IMPORTANT: Please make sure you have checked if there is enough of your chosen fabrics for the different elements of your dress with our team before placing your order

    *Enter Your Fabric Reference Number

    *Fabric disclaimer

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Alterations are non-refundable. Each price is per one individual garment – if you want to add this alteration to a few different garment orders you will need to place multiple alteration orders.

We only alter garments originally created by us – we do not offer alterations for any other items.

The type of shipping you select at checkout will be the shipping method by which we send your altered item back to you. If you have already paid for tracked shipping when placing your original order please make sure to select free shipping for your alteration so you don’t get charged for shipping twice.

If you have any questions please make sure to contact our team before placing your order.

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